Using iEDI compliant storage you can stop worrying about your data safety.
Store financial statements and keep compliance with national laws.
Get started today while is not too late.
iEDI Compliant Storage system is an audit enabled GDPR and HIPAA compliant storage solution for financial transactions, images, EDI files and other elements that needs a secure off-site remote backup storage with high level of safety, security and performance.
Finally a highly scalable strong storage solution for your infrastructure.
While backup solutions might keep your servers and desktops safe, they're typically not compliant to the restrictions enforced upon you from national laws, EU directives, HIPAA, GDPR etc. iEDI Compliant Storage is built around compliance, security and safety.
Huge amount of disk space for large companies
Not only does the iEDI Compliant Storage system offer high-speed upload and download, it also scales to the max. of 220 TB per IP address.
Every byte stored is audited through a cumulative off-site backup.
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