
EDI is both expensive and time-consuming...

We often hear phrases like this, and we always respond that it doesn't have to be that way.

When you need to start a collaboration with a new partner, it can be beneficial to have EDI at an external partner, such as iEDI, rather than in your own house.

We have many years of experience with various formats and protocols, which can save you many hours.
We are a group of experts who have been doing EDI for many years and enjoy doing things differently than others in the industry, which benefits our customers.

Whether you choose to use our specialists for all of your integrations or just need a specialist a few hours a day, iEDI is time well spent because it allows you to focus on your own business in the meantime.

We use our digital online platform if you need to start with a large number of partners. We begin by creating your own onboarding platform for your "Look and Feel" (whitelabel), which you can invite your suppliers to.
This solution not only automates everything, but it also provides your company with a professional appearance in the eyes of your partners.

iEDI has formats and protocols that are fitting for businesses all over the world. Furthermore, we have many foreign ERP partners, so we have a good understanding of what is going on in other countries.

If you have any questions, you are more than welcome to contact us. Just fill in the form below and we will get back to you.


Fabian – our integration specialist - will make sure your business documents are well integrated with our systems, all with a huge knack for customer service.
Operating on our onboarding-platform, he’ll set up custom-made validations and parameters that’ll effectively manage and track your file. This way, if a problem does occur, we will know exactly how it happened and be ready to fix it in seconds.


Sometimes we see cases where a customer is from one nation, but their partner is from another. In this scenario, Stine will help with the integration as our international BusDoc Specialist, and she always makes sure you are satisfied with the integration process.


Although Roselyn has just started her journey with iEDI, she brings nearly 20 years of EDI experience to the table. She has handled numerous integrations, and made. So, if you need good advice on onboarding, she is always ready to grab a coffee at our new office in the Netherlands and chat about how to ensure your EDI remains “good”.

Contact Us

Do not hesitate to contact the iEDI team if you have questions.


Bybjergvej 14
DK-3060 Espergærde, Denmark
P: +45 4917 5243

iEDI - more than 20 years of EDI experience.

GDPR compliant EU datacenters covers Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Germany, Poland, Italy, France and Spain.

HOFF - Tower Ten
Strawinskylaan 257
1077 XX Amsterdam, Netherlands
P: +31 (0)20 820 3982

iEDI - Benelux covers Netherlands, Belgium & Luxembourg.

Uses powerful EU datacenters placed in the Netherlands & Germany for optimal performance.

875 North Michigan Avenue, suite 3950
Chicago IL 60611, USA
P: +1 (312) 239-6321

iEDI inc covers US and canadian customers.

For strict localized PaaS, iEDI uses datacenters in US East, US West and Montreal Canada.

© 2024 iEDI
VAT reg. DK26164672, Phone +45 4917 5243, Contact us, Web: