Many companies implements electronic data interchange in one way or another. This means that suppliers are required to send their various documents as EDI to their customers.

As a complete EDI solution might be hard to bootstrap, PDF->EDI could be the right solution for you.

Reusing your PDF's

By leveraging PDF->EDI you can start sending EDI to your customers just by using your good old PDF's. The system supports orders, order-confirmations, despatch advices, invoices & creditnotes.
It's also possible to process bank- and financial statements or other documents.

To get started you only need to send your PDF's to a special E-mail address we will provide for you.

Want to hear more? - use the contact form below.


We understand that some are unable to generate EDI documents for their partners due to old ERP systems or inflexible export tools.

Daniel is specialized in converting PDF into EDI. By making a simple mapping between your PDF and your iEDI.com EDI account, you can continue using PDF while serving your customers with real EDI.

It also works in the opposite direction, meaning your business partners can send normal PDF and you'll receive real EDI.

Contact Us

Do not hesitate to contact the iEDI team if you have questions.


Bybjergvej 14
DK-3060 Espergærde, Denmark
P: +45 4917 5243

iEDI - more than 20 years of EDI experience.

GDPR compliant EU datacenters covers Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Germany, Poland, Italy, France and Spain.

HOFF - Tower Ten
Strawinskylaan 257
1077 XX Amsterdam, Netherlands
P: +31 (0)20 820 3982

iEDI - Benelux covers Netherlands, Belgium & Luxembourg.

Uses powerful EU datacenters placed in the Netherlands & Germany for optimal performance.

875 North Michigan Avenue, suite 3950
Chicago IL 60611, USA
P: +1 (312) 239-6321

iEDI inc covers US and canadian customers.

For strict localized PaaS, iEDI uses datacenters in US East, US West and Montreal Canada.

© 2024 iEDI
VAT reg. DK26164672, Phone +45 4917 5243, Contact us, Web: iedi.com